03/04/2024, 9:01 am EST

Upper Ocean Heat to Support El Nino Almost Gone

The upper ocean heat required to support El Nino is almost gone east of the Deadline. Subsurface warmth remains near the Dateline but is sharply cooler in the east-central and far east subsurface region. Anomalous warmth required in the subsurface to sustain El Nino is fading fast.
03/03/2024, 12:57 pm EST

Latest EDDI Analysis Reveals Midwest U.S. Drought Concern

Evaporative Drought Demand Index (EDDI) considers both short and long-term precipitation patterns and the attendant influence on soil moisture to identify where drought is most likely to evolve or if already present most likely to intensify. Currently, EDDI analysis reveals harsh ED4 conditions centered on the Northern U.S. Corn Belt.