04/25/2022, 7:28 am EDT

Wet AUG/SEP 2022 Forecast for Tropical Africa Spells Trouble in the Main Development Region for Hurricanes!

An excellent predictor of level of intensity that tropical waves moving off the Northwest Africa Coast during the peak (AUG/SEP) of North Atlantic tropical cyclone season is the rainfall forecast for tropical Africa. Based on an analog focused on presence of La Nina and negative Indian Ocean Dipole the global tropical environment favors a wetter than normal tropical Africa regime during AUG/SEP 2022.
04/21/2022, 9:53 am EDT

NOAA Seasonal Drought Forecast Indicates Expansion into Iowa

NOAA/CPC seasonal drought forecast maintains the long-term drought condition present across the western half of the U.S. Exceptions are in Arizona where the summertime wet monsoon features gully-washer rains that end drought. However, the Great Plains drought is forecast to expand westward into Iowa.
04/19/2022, 7:23 pm EDT

U.S. Month 1-3 Ahead Outlook: Drought Expansion; West/Central to Northeast heat!

The latest Climate Impact Company month 1-3 ahead forecast is issued shortly. The accompanying high impact climate forecast indicates persistent excessive heat and a drought for much of the West and Central U.S. plus a hot/humid July in the Northeast States. Excessive rains are likely for the Mid-Atlantic to Ohio Valley region.
04/14/2022, 5:38 pm EDT

Great Plains Drought Expected Summer of 2022

Soil moisture forecasts confidently present a problem for the Great Plains during summer 2022 as drought is clearly indicated. Already U.S. soil moisture has aerial coverage of D1, D2, D3 and D4 drought conditions similar to the 2012 historic drought.