01/14/2025, 5:03 am EST

Projecting Coldest U.S. Gas Population Weight HDD for January This Century

The waves of cold air into the U.S. during January 2025 has caused the projected U.S. population weight HDD to 1060 for the mid-winter month which eclipses the previous high of 1045 in 2014 (Table 1). The cold spikes are vividly indicated in important energy sectors such as PJM-East, PJM-West, and ERCOT.
01/12/2025, 10:05 am EST

Another Cold Shot for Texas Could Be Stronger Than Previous Episode

Using ALL models, the forecast consensus of minimum temperature in Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio is near or slightly colder than the just-ended cold regime although shorter in duration. The coldest morning of the January 19-22 cold spike forecast is colder than the just-ended episode for Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio.
01/10/2025, 5:33 am EST

Drier/Hotter Brazil Weather Pattern Shift

High pressure emerges on the Southeast Brazil Coast. This is a change from previous low pressure in this zone. Consequently, a pattern-change. Hotter and drier weather shifts across Southern Brazil. To compensate, wetter conditions develop in Northeast Argentina.
01/09/2025, 2:09 pm EST

Dramatic Cooling East Pacific Subsurface in December; La Nina Lasts to Q2/2025

The Climate Impact Company ENSO Outlook for 2025 indicates La Nina will continue through Q1/2025 and weaken during Q2/2025 followed by neutral ENSO. Late in 2025, forecast confidence is low as a weak El Nino could emerge, ENSO remains neutral, or a second La Nina generates. The DEC-24 subsurface equatorial East Pacific cooled dramatically and trails only 2008 and 2010 for coolest upper ocean heat anomalies during December for all La Nina events this century.