05/03/2020, 12:37 pm EDT

The U.S. Population Weight HDD Anomalies for the 2019-20 Cold Season

The 2019-20 U.S. cold season monthly population weight HDD ranks indicate a chilly start (November 4th coldest) and end (April ranked 3rd coldest) of the season with exceptionally warm climate through the core of the winter season lead by the 2nd warmest January in the 20-year climatology.
04/29/2020, 10:45 am EDT

Slow-moving Severe Weather/Excessive Rainfall Event into the East

An intense upper trough over the Tennessee Valley shifts east slowly causing more severe storms in the Southeast and excessive rainfall Mid-Atlantic and Northeast States. Flood watch areas are posted for the entire Mid-Atlantic region.
04/28/2020, 12:49 pm EDT

Australia Bureau of Meteorology ENSO and IOD Update

Forecast confidence is increasing in regard to negative phase of the Indian Ocean Dipole developing for Australian winter which supports a wet climate across most Australian crop areas.