08/19/2024, 8:45 am EDT

Madden Julian Oscillation Reactivates; Suppresses North Atlantic Tropics

After a month-long dormant period, the Madden Julian oscillation (MJO) has reactivated over the tropical Indian Ocean. The 15-day forecast utilizing all operational models indicates MJO will move east to Maritime Continent over the next 15 days. The MJO enhances convection, certainly evident in the tropical Indian Ocean and surrounding areas (Africa, India, and Western Indonesia) now where heavy rain is occurring.
08/15/2024, 10:32 am EDT

NOAA Long-lead Climate Forecasts; CIC Comparisons and SEP/OCT/NOV High Impact Climate

A comparison between the Climate Impact Company constructed analog and NOAA/CPC probabilistic forecast for meteorological winter 2023-24 is, not surprisingly, reasonably similar. NOAA/CPC expands drought in the West-central/Central U.S. this autumn season. The Southeast/East Coast are at risk of tropical cyclone strikes the next couple months.
08/14/2024, 11:47 am EDT

Dramatic Uptick in Tropical Activity Late August into Mid-September

The North Atlantic basin is becoming ripe for a sudden uptick in tropical cyclone activity after Ernesto. ECMWF indicates many ALERTS for tropical cyclone development for later in August to mid-September. During this time, several to as many as 5 hurricanes may emerge.
08/14/2024, 4:45 am EDT

Heavy Rain Episode Departing Australia East Coast

Extreme rain has been produced by an unusual weather system on the East Coast of Australia during the past 1-2 days. An elongated cold front stretching northward from a polar vortex south of New Zealand joined forces with an inverted subtropical low-pressure trough off the Queensland Coast to produce an excessive rainfall event affecting Coastal Queensland and Coastal New South Wales.