04/10/2023, 9:10 pm EDT

A Look at March 2023 and Q1/2023 State-by-State Climate Rankings

The Q1/2023 state-by-state temperature rankings were controlled by the effect on climate by very cool SSTA off the West Coast (causing a chilly West U.S. JAN/FEB/MAR) while warm SSTA of the western North Atlantic Ocean ran parallel to the anomalous warm temperatures across the South and East U.S. In fact, the entire Southeast U.S. observed a record warm Q1/2023.
04/10/2023, 5:04 am EDT

El Nino Ahead but Marine Heat Wave Needs to Strike West Coast of North America for Stronger El Nino in 2023

Strong conflicting signals are presented within the ENSO System during the mid-point of the ENSO seasonal prediction barrier. The Nino12 SSTA region off the northwest coast of South America has warmed rapidly and impressively as daily SSTA in this region is approaching a whopping +3.0! However, despite the super warming, the Nino34 SSTA region covering the east-central equatorial Pacific where ENSO phase is monitored is a resilient neutral phase.
04/04/2023, 10:12 am EDT

Dramatic Warming Equatorial Pacific Subsurface Signals An El Nino Trend

In March, the subsurface equatorial Pacific warmed dramatically. Each NINO region of the equatorial Pacific subsurface is now in support of an El Nino development trend. The change from February is dramatic…much warmer! Normally, the observational trend of subsurface temperature anomalies in the equatorial Pacific can foreshadow a possible phase change of ENSO.