12/09/2020, 3:14 pm EST

Snow Cover Makes The Difference In The Strong -AO Pattern Ahead

A vigorous negative phase of the arctic oscillation (-AO) is ahead. In the Dec. 11-25 period, forecast models agree on a -2.2 signature of the AO. The GFS identifies the attendant high-pressure block near the polar region. Interestingly, the polar vortex split which results in 4 northern mid-latitude upper troughs are all located farther north than usual for a full-throttle -AO episode.
12/08/2020, 8:03 am EST

Global Soil Moisture Anomaly Analysis Reveals Dramatic Dryness North/South America While Much of Eurasia is Wet

In North America nearly the entire continent trended drier during SEP/OCT/NOV most notably across the Southwest U.S., Great Basin and California. Additional drying took place in Alaska and much of Canada. The catalyst to the drier climate is the warm SSTA pattern either side of North America promoting anomalous dry/warm high pressure. The Southeast U.S. wet pattern was fueled by tropical cyclone activity. Central America also reversed much wetter due to late season tropical cyclones.
12/04/2020, 4:26 pm EST

GFS Indicates Heavy Rain Coast/Heavy Snow Inland for Next Northeast Storm

The midday GFS indicates two important trends/changes. The axis of the heaviest rain shifts east and includes Richmond, VA to Dover, DE and across Rhode Island/southeast Massachusetts to coastal Maine. Many areas receive 3 in. of rain. The snowfall forecast increases. In New England 10-20 in. of snow is forecast with >2 feet in northern New England mountain areas.
12/01/2020, 8:20 am EST

Unexpected Record Hot November Across Australia

The Australian Bureau of Meteorology indicated November 2020 was the hottest on record. Additionally, the Bureau indicated spring 2020 was the warmest on record for minimum and mean temperature. Rainfall was well below normal in many parts of Australia but not as dry as last year. The November 2020 national average temperature was +2.9C according to the Bureau breaking the record of +2.4C in November 2014.