NOAA Long-lead Climate Forecast Indicates Potential Ferocious Heat in the East U.S. During July
06/20/2024, 10:28 am EDT
La Nina Development Stalls
06/25/2024, 8:20 am EDTFig. 1-2: The Gulf of Mexico basin SSTA and 30-day change.
Fig. 3: Morning satellite view of the North Atlantic basin.
Discussion: The recent heavy rainfall event across Southern Florida shifting westward and into Texas enhanced by Tropical Storm Alberto created plentiful cloudiness, rainfall, and windy conditions to cause the Gulf of Mexico basin to cool to near normal (Fig. 1). The 30-day change in Gulf of Mexico basin SST is a remarkable -1.08C (Fig. 2). Currently, an ALL CLEAR across the North Atlantic tropics and subtropics (Fig. 3). However, GFS generates a tropical cyclone in the 6-10-day period across the southwest Gulf of Mexico where an ALERT is issued.