Neutral ENSO, No Sign of La Nina
10/21/2024, 2:13 pm EDT
Australia Heatwave Ahead!
10/25/2024, 11:42 am EDTCharts of the day: The 10-day rainfall outlook.
Discussion: GFS maintains the wet pattern across Southeast Brazil through the weekend and next week. Northern Argentina shifts drier through the weekend with minor rainfall indicated for next week.
Week-2 Valid November 3-9, 2024: Wetter changes.
Discussion: ECM is wetter across Southwest to Central Coastal Brazil while North Brazil remains dry and hot. Showers and thunderstorms are added to the Northern Argentina forecast.
Week-3 Valid November 10-16, 2024: Less wet.
Discussion: Northern Brazil stays hot and dry. The wet regime to the south, eases.
Week-4 Valid November 17-23, 2024: Argentina shifts drier.
Discussion: After mid-November, Argentina to Central Brazil averages temperate with near normal rainfall in Brazil while Argentina is drier.