Late Season Heat for U.S. Corn; Drought-ridden Southern Brazil Sugarcane Receives Wetter Forecast

The U.S. AUG-24 and JUN/JUL/AUG-24 Verification
09/10/2024, 1:36 pm EDT
Late Season Chill in Southeast Australia
09/13/2024, 8:12 am EDT
The U.S. AUG-24 and JUN/JUL/AUG-24 Verification
09/10/2024, 1:36 pm EDT
Late Season Chill in Southeast Australia
09/13/2024, 8:12 am EDT
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Fig. 1-4: The AIFS 1-7-day and 8-14-day temperature anomaly and rainfall amount forecasts across the U.S. AG Belt.   

Daily discussion: Complicated weather forecast across U.S. Corn and Soybean areas as late season warmth could be excessive featuring near 90F on a consistent basis in the corn-growing areas and into the 90’s for soybean and wheat zones. There is rainfall in the forecast including remnants of Francine shifting northward toward the Midwest States the next few days and thunderstorms across the North-central U.S. ahead of a cold front early next week. A quasi-permanent frontal system focuses 2 thunderstorm events into Iowa in the 8-14-day period based on the AIFS outlook. The core of the Corn Belt warmth is in the 6-10/8-12-day period. The late season warmth aggravates crop areas, especially zones that miss the rain, following the driest August since 2013.

In Brazil, the pattern shifts much wetter. Southern Brazil is affected by strong cold fronts carrying moderate to heavy rain with increasing aerial coverage. In the (AIFS) 15-day outlook, at least 4 events are forecast.


Fig. 5-7: The AIFS 15-day rainfall amount forecast across Brazil.