Intense Heat and Dryness Ahead for Southeast Europe to Southwest Russia

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Chart of the day: June 2024 percent normal rainfall.


Discussion: During the first month of meteorological summer, a very dry climate persisted across Southeast Europe to Turkey and the Black Sea region. Dryness was stronger in U.K. plus parts of the Baltic nations. A streak of wet weather reached from Portugal and Spain to South-central Europe to Western Russia.

Week-2 Ahead Forecast valid July 7-13, 2024: Southeast Europe/Southwest Russia heatwave.

Discussion: High pressure leads to a hot and dry regime across Southeast Europe to Southwest Russia causing a drought to worsen. Wet weather is projected just east of this region.

Week-3 Ahead Forecast valid July 14-20, 2024: Excessive heat Southeast Europe.

Discussion: The high-pressure area consolidates heat directly over the Southeast Europe/Southwest Russia drought area. Excessive heat in Southeast Europe is likely.

Week-4 Ahead Forecast valid July 21-27, 2024: Not quite as hot Southeast Europe to Southwest Russia.

Discussion: The super-hot pattern in Southeast Europe/Southwest Russia loses amplitude. However, anomalous warmth and dryness prevails in this region.