11/30/2023, 1:38 pm EST

Stratospheric Downward Wave Reflection Events

Meteorologists and market analysts are gearing up for sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) events which traditionally cause displacement of the polar vortex and arctic air outbreaks into the middle latitudes of North America and Eurasia. However, research has revealed that a different type of stratospheric interaction with the troposphere is causing the most recent arctic outbreaks across North America.
11/28/2023, 3:59 pm EST

The U.S. Winter 2023-24 HDD Scorecard

The outlook provided by Climate Impact Company indicates above normal risk of cold weather for JAN/FEB. Cited is increased risk of negative North Atlantic oscillation (-NAO) which could cause moderately strong (and brief) polar vortex events that generate cold weather in the U.S. with the greatest risk in February. Note that if these events fail to form, the forecast is likely much warmer.
11/27/2023, 2:46 pm EST

Potential Complete Reversal in ENSO Phase by July/August 2024

The latest NCEP CFS V2 Nino34 SSTA forecast continues to indicate an El Nino 2023-24 peak over the next 1-2 months followed by a steady weakening signature for the first half of 2024 to neutral ENSO mid-year. The latest 8 ensemble members of the Nino34 SSTA forecast indicate a vigorous ENSO phase change to La Nina for JUL/AUG of 2024!
11/24/2023, 12:58 pm EST

Hot Spots: East Australia Rain and Europe Chill

Satellite view reveals a persistent low-pressure trough extending northward from low pressure off the Southeast Australia Coast maintains wet weather in East Australia with hefty amount continuing. The latest 10-day outlook by GFS stays very wet in the East. There are some signs that the unexpected wet weather regime may ease after 10 days.