The upper ocean heat across the equatorial Pacific Ocean remains steadily very warm and supportive of maintaining the current robust oceanic El Nino episode.
The October 2023 rainfall pattern across Southeast Asia, Indonesia, and Australia featured extremes. The expected weather was dry climate due to El Nino. However, inclusion of an intensifying positive phase of the Indian Ocean dipole (+IOD) lead to mixed observations.
What were the climate drivers in October just-ahead of today’s onset of the cold season? We begin off the Northwest Coast of Africa and southwest of Europe where a strong marine heatwave evolved during 2023 (No. 1).
A Freeze Warning is in effect for North Texas. Dallas dips to 31F tomorrow morning. During the past 10 years the earliest <32F morning in Dallas was Oct. 31 in 2019. Tomorrow will be second earliest of the past 10 years. Interestingly, both early and late dates for <32F in Dallas have been followed by warm winter seasons.