12/18/2023, 7:33 pm EST

Models Starting to Show La Nina 2024 Developing  

The Community Earth System Model (CESM) projects developing La Nina for MAY/JUN/JUL 2024. Other forecast models have similar projections with varying speed of (La Nina) development. Elsewhere, global SSTA forecast models maintain a warm signature particularly in the Indian Ocean where positive Indian Ocean dipole (+IOD) ends and across both the North Pacific and North Atlantic as marine heat waves (MHW) expand.
12/12/2023, 8:08 pm EST

Strong Positive Reflective Index Next Week Supports Major Pattern Change in North America in January

Strong opposing cross-polar 10 MB height anomalies as forecast by GFS in 10 days are characteristic of strong +RI events. Based on the research, what can follow in 2-3 weeks is a shift in the troposphere of a mild 500 MB ridge pattern over North America (as forecast for the next 1-2 weeks) to shift northwestward forming a ridge bridge pattern over Alaska.