04/05/2024, 9:00 am EDT

Just-issued ECMWF Outlooks North Atlantic Tropics and U.S. Summer 2024

The European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) has issued their once-per-month forecasts for the next 6 months. Glancing at the rainfall anomaly forecast in the North Atlantic tropics and subtropics for July through September helps to identify areas exposed to tropical cyclone risk.
04/03/2024, 8:49 am EDT

RAPID Cooling of Nino12 SSTA Region

In the highlight section of today's U.S. medium range forecast, the cooling of the Nino12 SSTA region off the northwest coast of South America is identified. The 30-day SSTA change is a whopping -2.27C. El Nino's demise is ahead and La Nina for later this year is on the way.
04/01/2024, 7:53 pm EDT

Slow Decay of El Nino Continues

The subsurface equatorial Pacific Ocean is cooling dramatically and offers a guarantee that El Nino will weaken rapidly during APR/MAY with La Nina likely to quickly follow by mid-year.
03/28/2024, 5:40 am EDT

Shifting MJO Influence on Australia, South America, and Europe Rainfall

The Madden Julian oscillation (MJO) has been very active since last September. The 5th transient MJO across the equatorial Pacific recently ended and MJO is now shifting across the tropical Atlantic and heading back to home base in the Indian Ocean tropics in early April. The 15-day forecast utilizing all models indicates an eastward shift reaching Maritime Continent in 2 weeks with marginally moderate intensity is likely.