08/18/2022, 8:13 am EDT

Status of China and Europe Drought

Crop damage and electricity cutbacks are accelerating due to the China drought and continued hot and dry weather pattern.
08/16/2022, 9:21 am EDT

Update On SSTA Regions In The North Atlantic Basin

The North Atlantic regional SSTA vary widely. Off the U.S. East Coast waters have warmed to +0.66C, a change of +0.40C during the past 30 days. In the main development region (MDR) for North Atlantic hurricanes located in-between the Caribbean Sea and northwest coast of Africa the SSTA is marginally warm (+0.30C) and while warmer than 2-4 weeks ago, the past week has shown slight cooling. In the Gulf of Mexico, the basin is near normal and has cooled 0.24C during the past 30 days.