01/30/2023, 4:40 am EST

Argentina Drought Area is Dry Next 10 Days (After Beneficial Rainfall Last Week)

Where it rains, it pours is thematic of the Jan. 22-28 rainfall pattern across South America soybean, wheat and corn growing areas. Up to 4 in. of rain was observed in far northwestern Argentina and a small area near the Uruguay state line. However, forecasts are dry again for the Argentina drought region the next 10 days.
01/27/2023, 5:54 am EST

Watching Northwest/North Brazil Second Corn Crop for Drought Risk

Daily soil moisture anomaly analysis reveals erosion of the Argentina drought on the southern side of the affected area. Recent rainfall has been impressive in that zone. However, farther northward, the remainder of the Argentina drought area remains intact. A new area of drought concern is across the northwest and north Brazil Second Corn Crop zone. Deep layer soil moisture deficits have increased in the heart of the Argentina drought zone.
01/24/2023, 6:01 pm EST

If El Nino Forms, 2023 Could Be Record Warm (Globally)!

ENSO forecasts by leading models project El Nino by June 2023. Historically, when NOV/DEC/JAN are still in moderate La Nina phase, the chance that El Nino forms the following boreal summer season is only 25%
01/23/2023, 3:09 pm EST

ECM ENS Has Best Projection for the U.S. Medium-range

A colder pattern change is ahead for the U.S. Details remain uncertain as to the depth and expanse of the cold weather. ECM ENS has the best opinion of all models and by days 11-15 indicates sprawling cold across the U.S.