07/23/2023, 3:49 pm EDT

Dry Soil Moisture Emerging In Australia

In Australia, the soil moisture conditions are turning drier on the East Coast and much of Western Australia. The latest 15-day outlooks indicate a changeable thermal pattern through 10 days but averaging mostly warmer than normal in the extended-range.
07/17/2023, 3:08 pm EDT

Active MJO develops, should strengthen El Nino.

Further negative phase strengthening is expected as the Madden Julian oscillation (MJO) activates and shifts east through the equatorial Pacific over the next 1-2 weeks and farther east across the Atlantic tropics in early August. The activated MJO/SOI combination should shutdown trade winds in the equatorial Pacific to allow warming of the surface and strengthen El Nino heading into August.
07/13/2023, 9:50 am EDT

Northern Gulf of Mexico is Cooling off

The North Atlantic basin is record warm. The Gulf of Mexico is also somewhat warmer than normal averaging 1.0C above normal. However, during the past week the waters just off the northern Gulf Coast have cooled significantly.
07/11/2023, 2:03 pm EDT

Regional Differences but June 2023 Was (Nationally) Near Normal

June 2023 ranked 52nd warmest and 48th driest (of 129 years). The “near average” national rank was made by varying regional temperature and precipitation. The Mid-Atlantic region observed a top 10% cool regime including the 10th coolest on record in Virginia.