06/21/2021, 12:15 pm EDT

Weak La Nina Trying to Return

Suddenly, both the Nino34 and Nino3 (east-central/east equatorial Pacific Ocean) regions cool to the La Nina threshold of -0.5C last week. The cooler SSTA are linked to cooler upper ocean heat in the east-central Pacific last week.
06/15/2021, 5:14 am EDT

Rainfall Deficits Increasing Midwest, Northeast and Southeast

Rainfall required to neutralize dry Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) has increased in the Midwest States, Northeast region and the Southeast particularly Florida. Western deficits maintain their severe dry signatures. The North Dakota deficits eased last week.
06/13/2021, 3:12 pm EDT

Iowa Drying Out So Far in June

A new concern area is evolving drought in Iowa. Soil moisture is in deficit for the northern 2/3 of the state. In June so far, soil moisture trend is much drier for Iowa and southern Minnesota of the western Corn Belt.