05/18/2022, 3:59 pm EDT

GFS/ECM Trending MUCH Wetter in Texas in 6-10-Day Forecast

The GFS produced a consistent tropical cyclone risk in their medium/extended-range forecasts since late last week. However, the GFS has dropped that idea late last night and today. Instead, GFS produces an excessive rainfall episode as an upper trough entrains western Gulf of Mexico moisture next week producing >10 in. of rain in some spots based on today’s 12Z GFS.
05/17/2022, 9:00 am EDT

Late May Tropical Cyclone Risk in Gulf of Mexico

GFS is consistent forecasting evolution of a significant tropical cyclone in the vicinity of the Yucatan Peninsula later next week. This potential system is characterized as “significant” due to the possibility this system could become a hurricane in the open Gulf moving northward in late May.
05/12/2022, 2:37 pm EDT

High Fire Risk Great Plains Summertime

The early season high fire risk is well-established over New Mexico. Also of concern is northern California and western Texas plus the far northwest Great Plains. During summer, the high fire risk in northern California spreads northward. High fire risk also expands across the Great Plains during summertime.