08/30/2022, 8:21 am EDT

Mostly Very Warm Weekly Population Weight CDD Totals Summer 2022 in U.S.

Using NOAA population weight CDD observations, the U.S. weekly population weight CDD was variable – normal and warm – early during summer 2022. The hottest part of summer climatologically is when the hottest weekly CDD count occurred in July. Recently, briefly cooler national CDD was observed. The warm season 2022 finishes somewhat warmer than normal.
08/26/2022, 8:38 am EDT

Europe Drought Pattern to Fade

Latest week 2-4 outlook for Europe reveals steady increasing wet risk to evolve in September leading to a fade of the historic summer of 2022 drought pattern.
08/22/2022, 4:50 am EDT

The China Drought Catalyst

The summer 2022 China drought is yet another example of large areas of super-warm SSTA (off the East Coast of Asia) and their correlation to drought-producing summertime upper-level high-pressure ridge areas. A similar phenomenon was observed in Europe this summer season.