10/19/2022, 8:32 am EDT

Southern Brazil Rains Abate Days 6-10 but Return Days 11-15

Rain-soaked soils across southwest into southeast Brazil receive more rainfall this week. In the 6-10-day period this entire area turns dry with no rain expected. However, in the 11-15-day period, the forecast trend is for the rain to return to this important Brazil crop area.
10/18/2022, 10:15 am EDT

ECMWF Indicates an Atlantic Seaboard Subtropical Storm for Early Next Week

The southern periphery of a cold front moving off the East Coast stalls late this week, gathers low pressure and according to ECMWF organizes into a potential subtropical storm by early next week drifting northward just-off the U.S. East Coast. The GFS is weaker and farther east with this system.