12/13/2022, 7:57 am EST

Favoring Dryness in Argentina Where Drought Strengthens

Argentina drought continues but a super drought or flash drought is less likely given the current upper air pattern forecast. Later this summer, the upper trough is forecast to shift east and northeast allowing some drying into Southeast Brazil.
12/12/2022, 4:48 am EST

Comparing the DEC-2013 and DEC-2022 Arctic Outbreaks

The larger aerial coverage of stronger cold for the 2022 arctic outbreak event is also expected to last longer than the 2013 episode only if the projected more expansive snow cover by the GFS ENS verifies.
12/09/2022, 2:42 pm EST

Western U.S. Chill During November 2022

The U.S. November 2022 thermal climate produced two distinct patterns: Cold West and warm East. The West U.S. finished the month in the top 10 coldest (for November) in the 128-year historical record. Idaho finished 4th coldest all-time. In the East, New England, North Carolina and Florida each finished in the top 10 all-time warmest for November. Nationally, the U.S. ranked 44 of 128 years where 1 is coldest and 128 is warmest.
12/05/2022, 5:17 am EST

Australia Still Wet but in Different Places. Drier this week.

During November 2022, the wet monsoon arrived early and soaked Northern Australia. The focus of a wet climate across the North subtracted wet risk from the central East Coast where a surprisingly dry regime was observed.