12/14/2021, 12:34 pm EST

Cold Pattern Change Europe; Cold Threatens U.S. Last 1/3 of December

For now, the U.S. looks mostly warm south of snow cover for the last 1/3 of December. However, given a developing -NAO pattern some of the Canadian chill may want to thrust southward. Meanwhile a cold pattern change is indicated for Europe next week.
12/13/2021, 7:25 pm EST

Cool Support for La Nina East Pacific Subsurface Remains BUT West Pacific Is Warming!

The MJO has been mostly dormant in the vicinity of Indonesia or westward since October. However, a slow eastward shift with intensification is underway the past 1-2 weeks. MJO has shifted toward the Pacific Dateline and a further eastward drift is indicated through the middle third of December. Upper ocean heat in the equatorial West Pacific is responding as warmth increases and shifts to the Dateline.
12/08/2021, 6:12 am EST

A Super-warm Central/East U.S. for December 2021

The U.S. gas population weight HDD forecast by all models through Dec. 17-23 is ridiculously warm. The trend since Monday is somewhat warmer. Climate Impact Company projects the second warmest December this century.