02/24/2022, 8:43 am EST

Change In The Forecast: Colder Europe Days 8-14

A pattern change toward a colder regime is indicated in the 8-14/11-15-day period for Western Russia and the Black Sea region likely stretching westward into Europe. The culprit is an elongating longwave upper trough. Precipitation increases beneath the upper trough and is mostly snow due to the colder weather.
02/21/2022, 2:10 pm EST

La Nina Trying to Regain Some Strength

Last week, the Nino 12 SSTA region cooled to -1.7C which ties a week last December for the coolest signature of La Nina 2021-22. Indicated are trade winds are increasing and up-welling cold subsurface water off the northwest coast of South America. Not a sign of La Nina weakening.
02/16/2022, 9:22 am EST

Comparing February 2012 EDDI to Now

The Evaporative Drought Demand Index (EDDI) remains in the driest (ED4) condition across the central and southern Great Plains. If the climate pattern leading to this condition continues a drought develops quickly in the Great plains during the warm season. The current ED4 conditions are not as widespread as the February 2012 condition ahead of the Midwest drought of summer 2012.