01/22/2023, 2:45 pm EST

U.S. HDD Forecasts Trend Colder But Not Certain

The consensus of all forecast models U.S. gas population weight HDD projections through Feb. 9 yield a colder pattern ahead. National heating demand is certainly higher than normal for next week. However, note the discrepancy for next week as GFS forecasts near normal demand and GFS ENS/CMC ENS project significant heating demand. The national heating demand trend has increased since Friday for the Feb. 3-9 forecast.
01/17/2023, 5:42 pm EST

12Z ECM Showing Arctic Air into the North-central U.S. in 10 Days

The 12Z ECM indicates a large area of stratospheric warming shifts from Eurasia/Siberia across Alaska and into the U.S. late in the 10-day forecast. ECM is the first model to identify and deliver an arctic air mass to the North-central U.S. on day-10.
01/12/2023, 1:47 pm EST

Stratospheric Warming Event Evolving for Last 1/3 of January is Impressive

Stratospheric warming is forecast to develop and expand in the polar region, the last third of January. In 16 days, the GFS indicates a powerful warming event taking place mostly on the Eurasia side of the North Pole. However, the stratosphere is still cold across the U.S. and eastern North America therefore the arctic air at ground level generated by this event is not easy to forecast by various dynamic models.
01/09/2023, 1:26 pm EST

January Warmest Month of Winter 2022-23 in U.S.

In a rare occurrence, the projected U.S. gas population weight HDD for January 2023 is warmer than the already verified DEC-22 value and projected FEB-23 forecast.