08/11/2024, 11:19 am EDT

NAWH In Control of NA/EU Weather Pattern

Strong upper trough stretched across the North Atlantic warm hole (NAWH) to the southeast of Greenland, has compensating trough and ridge patterns upstream and downstream causing high impact weather across North America and Europe into Russia during the next 15 days.
08/08/2024, 4:36 am EDT

Frost Risk for Southern Brazil Coffee

The southern extent of the coffee growing areas in Southern Brazil extend to the central portion of Parana. Beginning Saturday and repeating Tuesday, each morning presents a risk of frost.
08/06/2024, 5:15 pm EDT

Drought Continues on the Australian South Coast

During July 2024 localized areas of above normal rain were observed on the West Coast, central continent, and parts of the Southeast Coast. Soil moisture anomalies for July 2024 continue to show drought on the South Coast including southwest continent and Victoria.
08/05/2024, 1:41 pm EDT

12Z GFS Introduces New TC Threat Next Week in Texas

At midday, the 12Z GFS introduces a new tropical cyclone risk emerging in the vicinity of the Yucatan Peninsula and traveling northwestward toward the Houston area early-to-middle of next week.