01/18/2022, 9:41 am EST

Kelvin Wave Emerges, Pushes East of Dateline

Sings that La Nina may be breaking down as a Kelvin Wave emerges rapidly and shifts east in the equatorial Pacific Ocean subsurface to near 140W. If this feature reaches the northwest coast of South AMerica in a couple weeks, La Nina will continue to decay as observed last week.
01/11/2022, 1:23 pm EST

This Week’s Argentina Heatwave!

Selected cities across Argentina are used to project the peak of the developing heatwave and the eventual demise as cooling thunderstorms arrive early next week. Maximum temperatures during the period are generally in the 105-110F range cooling to the 70's and low 80's early next week due to much needed rainfall.
01/06/2022, 12:55 pm EST

December 2021 Northern Hemisphere Snowfall Report

According to the Rutgers University Snow Laboratory the North America rank for December 2021 snow cover was 26 of the last 56 years whereas 1 is most snowy and 56 is least snowy. Alaska had a second consecutive month of record snow in December.