Using Multivariate ENSO Index, The 2023-24 El Nino Was Very Weak
02/21/2024, 7:02 am EST
A Review: Why the Northeast Pacific Marine Heat Wave/North Atlantic Warm Hole are Important to NA/EU Climate
03/01/2024, 4:59 am ESTHighlight: Schedule of seasonal hurricane forecasts for 2024.
Fig. 1: The North American multi-model ensemble global SSTA forecast for JUL/AUG/SEP 2024 features the return of La Nina and another exceptional warm pattern across the North Atlantic basin.
The global climate is expected to shift toward and into a La Nina regime during the 2024 North Atlantic and coupled with forecasts of very warm SST across the North Atlantic, 2024 has the chance to produce record-strength (and amount) of tropical cyclones. This statement is a likely sentiment of the government, academic, and private sector outlooks issued this spring.
Tropical Storm Risk/U.K….April 8 (Preliminary forecast issued in December 2023 was 20 storms, 9 hurricanes, and 4 intense hurricanes for 2024).
Tropical Storm Risk (TSR) for long-range forecasts of hurricane, typhoon and cyclone worldwide
Colorado State University…April 4
NOAA…Around May 23.
Climate Impact Company…March 28