Western U.S. Chill During November 2022

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November 2022 and SEP/OCT/NOV 2022 Climate Report

Discussion: The U.S. November 2022 thermal climate produced two distinct patterns: Cold West and warm East (Fig: 1). The West U.S. finished the month in the top 10 coldest (for November) in the 128-year historical record. Idaho finished 4th coldest all-time. In the East, New England, North Carolina and Florida each finished in the top 10 all-time warmest for November. Nationally, the U.S. ranked 44 of 128 years where 1 is coldest and 128 is warmest.

The November 2022 precipitation climate ranked moderately wet. The South and East ranked wetter than normal but not excessive (Fig. 2). Nebraska and the Ohio Valley were marginally wet.

Meteorological autumn 2022 was (nationally) warmer than normal ranking 24th warmest in the 128-year historical record. The West and North U.S. ranked warmer than normal including Washington and New England which ranked in the top-10 warmest autumn seasons on record (Fig. 3). Maine observed their 4th warmest autumn season on record. Uniquely, only Tennessee and Alabama observed a cooler than normal autumn season.

The autumn season was dry, ranking 23rd all-time in the 128-year historical record where 1 is driest. Motivating the dry climate pattern for meteorological autumn were top-10 driest all-time rankings for Nebraska, South Dakota, Minnesota, Indiana, and Kentucky (Fig. 4). The West Coast was moderately drier than normal during autumn. The wet regions were New England and Florida.

Fig: 1: NOAA state rankings for temperature during November 2022.

Fig: 2: NOAA state rankings for precipitation during November 2022.

Fig: 3: NOAA state rankings for temperature during SEP/OCT/NOV 2022.

Fig: 4: NOAA state rankings for precipitation during SEP/OCT/NOV 2022.