Cold Start to December Northern Europe/Western Russia Ends

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Panama Canal Receives Some Short-term Rainfall but not Nearly Enough to Reverse Shipping Woes
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Chart of the day: First half of December Europe temperature anomaly pattern.

Discussion: The first half of December was very cold across the northern half of Europe and Western Russia while the Southern Black Sea region was mild.

Week-2 Ahead Forecast valid December 26, 2023-January 1, 2024: Warmer, still wet.

Discussion: The pattern is much warmer the storminess across Europe and into Western Russia of recent weeks continues. Precipitation is mostly rain in the mild climate.

Week-3 Ahead Forecast valid January 2-8, 2024: Energetic storm track.

Discussion: Continued warm across Russia and Southern Europe while Northern Europe is trending colder again. The storm track is stronger in-between contrasting thermal regimes.

Week-4 Ahead Forecast valid January 9-15, 2024: Still stormy.

Discussion: Still stormy across Central Europe and throughout the Black Sea region to Southwest Russia.