11/03/2018, 2:19 pm EDT

U.S. ENSO Precipitation During Winter Pre/Post 1997-98 El Nino

Continuing along the lines of using climate change as a tool to predict climate (versus just as an explanation of a recent climate extreme) lets take a look at wintertime precipitation patterns across the U.S. during El Nino since the epic 1997-98 episode as described by Dr. Olivia Kellner.
10/03/2018, 5:15 pm EDT

Evolution of El Nino Modoki (followed by conventional El Nino)

A tendency toward consolidation of anomalous warmth in both the surface and subsurface equatorial Pacific Ocean near and just east of the Dateline implies El Nino Modoki may be ahead for northern hemisphere winter 2018-19. Plentiful subsurface ocean warmth (also) indicates a conventional El Nino may evolve in 2019.
09/08/2018, 1:20 pm EDT

CIC Research: An Increase in Climate Extremes

Well-known is the atmospheric warming of the past 2-3 decades due to rapid increase in CO2 emissions into the global atmosphere. A relatively new symptom of this warming has emerged with regularity in recent years. Frequency of climate extremes whether drought or flooding, hot or cold is increasing.