10/10/2024, 12:49 pm EDT

North Atlantic Tropical Season Gaining Storms Fast; Very Warm Oceans Helping

The 2024 tropical cyclone season has certainly seen a destructive uptick in recent weeks. Seasonal totals are now above normal, most notably with the number of hurricanes and the rapidly increasing accumulated cyclone energy (ACE) index. The North Atlantic basin including the Gulf of Mexico remains considerably warmer than normal supporting an active season as predicted by most forecasters earlier this summer.
10/01/2024, 8:11 am EDT

NAWH Pattern Dominates Europe Summer Climate

Since June 1, 2024, much of Europe has observed above too much above normal rainfall most anomalous (according to NCDC/PSD) over Spain, Northern Italy, and Austria/Hungary. Meanwhile, farther downstream, an exceptionally dry 4 months was observed across Ukraine, Southwest Russia, and Northwest Russia.
09/27/2024, 5:00 am EDT

North Atlantic Basin October Tropical Cyclone Climatology And October Outlook

On average, during the 29-year (1995-2023) period identified, October produces 2.6 tropical storms, 1.3 hurricanes, and 0.6 major hurricanes in the North Atlantic basin. The most observed was in 2005 when 7 tropical storms formed whereas 2002 and 2006 produced no tropical cyclones.
09/21/2024, 9:03 am EDT

The Likelihood of Abundant Northern Hemisphere Early Season Snow Cover

During September 2024 the sea and ice concentration within the polar ice cap is 4th lowest in the 1978-2024 climatology. By comparison, the polar ice cap is considerably smaller than typical of 40+ years ago. The modern-day constricted polar ice cap has contributed to a recent trend of above normal snow cover developing early in the northern hemisphere cold season.