09/13/2023, 8:17 am EDT

Understanding The Difference Between Multivariate ENSO Index and Nino34 SSTA Index

The Multivariate ENSO Index (MEI.v2) and the Niño 3.4 Index value are two (of many) indices used to monitor the behavior and evolution of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO).  However, these two indices cannot be used as an apples-to-apples comparison. Both are distinctly different from each other in spatial resolution, temporal resolution and ocean-atmospheric variables considered in the computation of the indices.
08/31/2023, 10:36 am EDT

Based On ACE Index, 2023 About 33% More Active Than Normal So Far

The latest seasonal totals so far assembled by Colorado State University (CSU) indicates 11 tropical storms have formed with 3 reaching hurricane strength including 2 major hurricanes. The accumulated cyclone energy (ACE) index is 48.6 compared to the normal value for this date of 36.3. Using the ACE index, the 2023 season so far is judged about 33% more intense than normal.
08/22/2023, 10:12 am EDT

U.S. JUN/JUL 2023 Verification Using Constructed Analog Forecasts

Let’s take a quick look at verification of Climate Impact Company constructed analog forecasts, made in late April, for June and July 2023. A constructed analog forecast is based on regional SSTA patterns and their historical relationship to upper air patterns that drive our sensible weather.