02/20/2024, 5:15 am EST

ENSO Predictability Comment

In a statement from earlier today The Australia Bureau of Meteorology emphasized, and Climate Impact Company fully agrees, that the warming of the oceans during the past 50 years could cause interruptions in our historical understanding of ENSO events including making forecasts. Low confidence for second half of 2024 ENSO forecasts!
02/20/2024, 4:03 am EST

New Arctic Air Mass Developing Alaska/Western Canada

AI FORECASTNET V2 is forecasting a new arctic air mass generating over Alaska and Western Canada due to additional stratospheric warming in the medium range. A careful eye on whether this new arctic mass may release into the Western U.S. in the extended range. Meanwhile, despite the warmth in U.S. and Europe for late winter, much of Asia is quite cold!
02/19/2024, 9:17 am EST

Oceanic El Nino Is Weakening Slowly; Atmospheric El Nino Has Just Peaked

Oceanic El Nino is weakening based on weekly Nino SSTA. However, atmospheric El Nino peak just occurred, based on a strong negative southern oscillation index. Indicated is El Nino climate may last a little longer than oceanic El Nino which is expected to shift to neutral phase during Q2/2024.
02/15/2024, 7:43 pm EST

Late Summer 2024 Drought For The Southeast U.S. Including Florida and Texas

The Climate Impact Company constructed analog 6-month precipitation forecast for the U.S. coupled with current soil moisture and trend yields the second half of summer U.S. drought risk areas. Most prominent and agreeable to the NOAA CAS forecast is Georgia and Florida followed by Texas. The CIC-CA projection adds the Northwest U.S. and northern Great Lakes. The Midwest U.S. is likely to avoid a 2024 drought.