02/09/2023, 9:07 am EST

La Nina Dissipates Over Next 1-3 months; El Nino Onset by Mid-2023

The Madden Julian oscillation (MJO) is forecast to shift eastward across the equatorial Pacific Ocean during the next 2 weeks. Following passage of the MJO, equatorial wind shifts to west or southwest and eliminates trade winds. The lack of trade winds eliminates the up-welling process that sustains La Nina. Oceanic La Nina 2020-23 likely dissipates by March 1st.
02/08/2023, 2:59 pm EST

Summer Heat Arrives Late in Australia

The convection phase of Madden Julian oscillation (MJO) to the north of Australia is forecast to shift eastward the next 1-2 weeks inducing a west to southwest wind across much of the continent and cause extreme heat risk beginning across Western Australia in the near-term and expanding across the southern tier of Australia in the 8-14-day period.
02/08/2023, 2:49 pm EST

Solar Cycle 25 Sunspot Activity Well Ahead of Forecast

The January 2023 sunspot number was 143, well over the already adjusted forecasts. Observational implications are that solar cycle 25 will continue to progress at much higher sunspot number rates than forecast ultimately cresting at values similar to, or higher than the last stronger solar cycle maxima (number 23) observed around 2000.