04/22/2024, 1:37 pm EDT

12Z GFS Cold Bias Polar Region; Warm Bias Near U.S./Canada Border Past 30 Days

The midday 12Z GFS temperature bias for the 6-10-day period during the past 30 days is marginally warm in Southern Canada and the North-central U.S. but overall reasonable skill. In the 11-15-day period, the polar region is much too cool while forecast bias near the U.S./Canada border has averaged too warm.
04/18/2024, 11:52 am EDT

Latest NOAA/CPC Long-lead Climate Outlooks; Hot Risk Most of U.S. Summertime

Meteorological summer (JUN/JUL/AUG) 2024 remains forecast warmer than normal for all but North Dakota with highest hot weather probability likely from the Interior Northwest to Western Texas and in New England. The precipitation outlook is biased wet in the East and Southeast U.S. while West-central States including the western Great Plains are drier than normal.
04/17/2024, 2:59 pm EDT

MJO, NAWH, and IOD Contribute to Southern Ural Region/Northern Kazakhstan to Dubai Flooding

Extreme weather events or climate regimes are often blamed on climate change (or global warming). However, rarely are the weather/climate synoptics causing the event identified and reviewed. An attempt to identify the catalyst to recent historic flooding in the Southern Ural region of Russia to Northern Kazakhstan and adding Dubia well to the south is provided.
04/16/2024, 4:39 am EDT

El Nino Fades; Speed of Development/Intensity of La Nina Ahead Uncertain

The Nino34 SSTA region has cooled a whopping 0.69C during the past 2 weeks as El Nino 2023-24 is about to end. The record warm global ocean surface of the past 12 months is unique and causes uncertainty regarding the speed of development and intensity of La Nina for later in 2024.