04/20/2023, 8:08 am EDT

Why 2023 May be the Warmest Year on Record? El Nino and Marine Heat Waves!

Many scientists are stating that 2023 could be the globally warmest year on record. Climate Impact Company agrees. Why? Take a look at the International Multi-Model Ensemble (IMME) September 2023 global sea surface temperature anomaly forecast. The projection indicates evolution of a strong El Nino, at least 4 large marine heat waves (MHW), and a large swath of warmer than normal water just south of the polar ice cap.
04/19/2023, 5:24 pm EDT

Projecting Upper Air Pattern across North America Next 3 Seasons

Climate Impact Company projects a potential upper ridge over central North America during summer raising the risk of warmer/drier climate after a cool/snowy in the North-central U.S. Consequently, drought in the central and southwest Great Plains could expand northward.
04/18/2023, 8:45 am EDT

Last Week Great Plains Drought Conditions Worsened; Northern U.S. Snow Cover Continues

The intense drought spread across the central and southwest Great Plains and into Texas worsened last week. The worsening condition in this region was observed in each climate division within the affected area except much of Kansas where intense drought remained steady, southeast Colorado, and the upper coast of Texas.