10/15/2024, 7:52 pm EDT

Summer 2024-25 Focus on Evolving Drought Interior East Australia.

Meteorological summer brings suppressed heat risk across the western third of the continent while central and eastern Australia are hotter than normal. The precipitation regime is quite wet in the Northwest, near normal on the South Coast, and drier than normal from central New South Wales across much of Queensland. Summer drought risk during summer 2024-25 increases in Queensland to Northern New South Wales.
10/15/2024, 11:44 am EDT

Transient MJO and Snow Cover Affecting Climate

Transient Madden Julian oscillation (MJO) alters the prevailing jet stream pattern in the mid-latitudes that cause our sensible weather. The MJO is active heading toward November. Snow cover is ahead of schedule in Asia, typical of the past decade caused by cold wind across the open water north of the continent.
10/14/2024, 5:37 am EDT

Much Needed Rainfall Appears in Great Plains Forecast

Wetter forecasts appeared over the weekend for the Great Plains and East-central U.S although models were inconsistent. The GFS is increasingly confident that wet weather appears across the western and northern Great Plains in the 6-10-day period shifting eastward and boldly across the Midwest States in the 11-15-day forecast.
10/14/2024, 4:33 am EDT

Weak La Nina Ahead Won’t Last Long

Climate diagnostics reveal marginal support for weak La Nina ahead. Dynamic and analog forecasts maintain weak La Nina for late 2024 likely not lasting long ending as meteorological winter 2024-25 in the northern hemisphere closes. The low confidence ENSO phase forecast for the remainder of 2025 is steady neutral ENSO phase. Strong ENSO events are not likely into 2026.