07/15/2024, 11:45 am EDT

ENSO-Neutral, No Sign of La Nina Motivation

The latest collection of dynamic models forecasting the Nino34 SSTA through the end of 2024 continue to show evolution of weak La Nina although reliable forecasters ECMWF and Australia Bureau of Meteorology (ABOM) maintain neutral ENSO phase.
07/15/2024, 5:47 am EDT

Climate Research: The Summer 2024 North Atlantic Warm Hole and Climate Influence

During the past 10+ years, large areas of (mostly) oceanic warming have equaled or surpassed ENSO as leading influences on climate in the middle latitudes. One exception to the warming oceans is the North Atlantic warm hole usually vividly present during the summer season south or southeast of Greenland. So far during meteorological summer 2024, the NAWH pattern is quite strong and located west of Ireland.
07/14/2024, 7:07 pm EDT

Saharan Dust Stalls Tropical Development in North Atlantic

The North Africa climate pattern of the past 2-3 months is unusually hot and dry. Increasing trade winds south of intensifying subtropical high pressure is pushing Saharan Dust into the tropical/subtropical North Atlantic suppressing tropical cyclone development.
07/14/2024, 3:38 pm EDT

Hot Weather Causes Expanding Drought Risk in the U.S.

Deep layer soil moisture deficits indicate the primary target for developing harsh drought currently located across the east/south Great Plains, parts of the Missouri and Tennessee Valley(s), and the Mid-Atlantic region.