01/29/2025, 11:34 am EST

Taking over! The West/Central North Pacific Marine Heat Wave!

During the current decade, a marine heat wave (MHW) east of Asia has steadily intensified and become the most dominant regional SSTA influence on northern hemisphere climate. During the second half of the previous decade, the Northeast Pacific MHW and North Atlantic warm hole (NAWH) were influential on the northern hemisphere climate pattern. Added during the past 12-18 months is a persistent MHW west and southwest of Europe.
01/28/2025, 8:55 am EST

La Nina Strengthens in January; Latest CFS V2 Nino34 Outlook

The latest Nino34 SSTA forecasts from the CFS V2 model confidently project moderate La Nina to finish northern hemisphere meteorological winter followed by weakening to neutral ENSO mid-year. The latest 8 ensemble members of CFS V2 forecast indicate a wide variety of ENSO phase possibilities by OCT-25 which identifies a low confidence projection.
01/28/2025, 8:45 am EST

Madden Julian Oscillation on the Move; Warms U.S.

The convection phase of the Madden Julian oscillation (MJO) is forecast to shift eastward from Maritime Continent in early February (phase_4) toward the Dateline as middle third of February arrives (phase_6). The MJO projection across the locations identified favor a warming (Pacific maritime) influence on U.S. climate.
01/27/2025, 11:07 am EST

South America 15-Day AI Vs. Dynamic Model Rainfall Forecast

Brazil rainfall forecasts by all operational models have been notoriously too wet during the summer season. However, support for a wet 15-day outlook across much of Brazil has synoptic scale weather support and seems reasonable. The AI Graph Cast ECM ENS which has been competitive with GFS and ECM is somewhat drier.