09/02/2024, 10:35 am EDT

Steady +SOI Supports Trend Toward La Nina

A steady and intense positive phase of the southern oscillation index (+SOI) has developed since mid-August causing trade winds across the eastern equatorial Pacific to increase and begin to up-well cool subsurface water to turn the Nino34, Nino3, and Nino12 SSTA cooler during the past 7-10 days.
09/02/2024, 6:37 am EDT

-AO/-NAO Bring Autumnal Air Mass to Midwest U.S. Days 6-10

As early September arrives, most striking, is the cool weather set-up in the Midwest/East U.S. centered on the 6-10/8-12-day period. At that time, both the arctic oscillation (AO) and North Atlantic oscillation (NAO) shift to negative phase supporting a high latitude blocking ridge and amplified polar vortex centered on Ontario and the Great Lakes.