09/05/2024, 12:49 pm EDT

Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover Trend During Cold Season

As the polar region turns sharply colder due to loss of sunlight mid-to-late autumn, cold air is swept across an increase in open ocean water (due to a constricting polar ice cap) that leads to advection snows bringing above normal snowfall to the northern continents most notably Northern Russia.
09/04/2024, 11:04 am EDT

Tropical Africa Becomes Soaking Wet and Emits Strong Tropical Waves into the Atlantic

The unexpected quiet period across the tropical/subtropical North Atlantic basin may be about to end. Tropical waves are stronger as they move across tropical Africa and into the eastern North Atlantic tropics. However, the ECM ENS 15-day rainfall forecast indicates extreme rain across tropical Africa as tropical waves and their attendant convective energy are about to intensify dramatically.
09/04/2024, 10:53 am EDT

U.S. Population Weight CDD’s for Summer 2024

Climate Impact Company U.S. population weight CDD forecasts for meteorological summer 2024 issued during late May/early June were closest to the observed values. As time went on, subsequent forecasts were much warmer propelled by fear of drought-induced heat in the Central U.S. and anomalous warmth in high energy demand areas of the East U.S. fueled by very warm SSTA off the Atlantic Coast.
09/03/2024, 4:35 am EDT

An Update on North Atlantic Hurricane Forecast Factors

A review of the seasonal hurricane activity predictors is mixed with warm SSTA in the main development region (MDR) supportive of hurricane development while fast trade winds suppressing tropical development have been a significant inhibiting factor.