The Climate Impact Company Advantage
Provider of expert analysis and forecasts of short-term events such as severe storms, snow and ice storms and tropical cyclones; unmatched recognition of climate signals and their influence on pattern change in the medium-range; leader in observation and prediction of global oceanic climate signals and their influence on seasonal climate forecasts.
Examples: Lead briefer for many energy companies operations and risk management groups for severe storms and tropical cyclone risks. Recognized climate forecast leader for energy and agriculture sectors.
Formed in 2004 Climate Impact Company has issued many thousands of forecasts to industry leaders including professionally formatted products, follow-up to initial forecasts ensuring lowest risk to the user and review/verification of results. Climate Impact Company stresses interaction with the client which is as important as meteorological skill.
Examples: Helped design alert criteria for severe storm influence on for a major U.S. electricity transmission and distribution system, lead provider of impacts from tropical cyclone events to the Gulf Coast for a major global energy pipeline system company and provider of high wind forecasts due to tropical events for nuclear power plants.
Whether it's a quick bullet on a model change through instant messaging, a conference call for a severe weather event or a power point presentation online or at a conference on all issues climate including seasonal forecasts Climate Impact Company is an industry leader communicating information.
Examples: Major weather event ahead but models showing a big change? Be the forest to know that change. Sudden stratospheric warming or an advancing Madden Julian oscillation develops? Be the first to know the impact on the climate pattern ahead.
Although providing forecasts is our primary concern Climate Impact Company is involved with research on better ways to make forecasts particularly in climate. Climate Impact Company provides both operational products and research review.
Examples: Implementing the evolution of non-tropical ocean thermal patterns (Atlantic multi-decadal oscillation and Pacific decadal oscillation) in climate forecasting. Adjusting temperature forecasts to the bias provided by snow cover and soil moisture.
Bob Wagner
Key Con Fuels
Climate Impact Company has been a very good investment for us we use it on a continual basis. Very informative!
Dan Basse, President
AgResource Co.
AgResource has found Climate Impact's weather research as invaluable in determining World and US weather trends. Climate Impact has been able to identify potential weather hotspots weeks - and sometimes months in advance by their climate analysis. This has helped our firm to adjust our research to weather anomalies well ahead of our completion in making US and world crop and yield adjustments. Operational forecasts get the weather close to right for the next 10 days, Climate Impact Company allows us to decide if those trends will persist. I highly recommend Climate Impact Company to get the cutting edge long range climate analysis and assessments.
Todd Anderson, Lead Meteorologist, Energy Trading
Dominion Resources
For the last decade, Climate Impact Company has been an integral part of our weather risk management team at Dominion Resources. Scott's keen insight into how tropical connections, soil moisture, and other climate signals impact medium and extended range forecasts keeps the CIC forecasts pointed in the right direction. This has allowed Dominion to remain a step ahead of the market as we manage our fuel supplies and gas transportation as we serve both internal and external customers.
John Richardson, Director - Business Development
TC Energy
I recently transitioned jobs in the energy industry and quickly discovered that one tool that I missed was access to Scott Yuknis and his forecasts offered through Climate Impact Company. Scott offers an in-depth look at what is happening today as well as a detailed synopsis of what he views as the volatile weather triggers that we should watch for in the coming next few weeks.